June Jo Lee is a food ethnographer, bridging ‘what we eat’ with ‘who we are becoming’ for senior leadership at Google and other businesses. She delivers strategic insights (improvements, innovations, transformation) for businesses to maintain relevance (and, even bend culture).

She founded Food Ethnographer LLC to nourish modern hungers of disconnection and dislocation. There are three parts to her work: (01) cohort-based qualitative foodlife research on the future of Culture, Tech and Sustainability to inform and inspire business strategies; (02) Wunderland ethnographic pop-ups to explore the edges of food systems and cultures through flavor messages; (03) Readers to Eaters, education platform which publishes stories about food to help children discover their own tastes.

June Jo studied medical and food anthropology at Harvard, and has spent her career working as an ethnographer for consumer packaged brands (Nestle, General Mills and more), retailers (from Walmart to Whole Foods Market), and food services (university, corporate). Since 2014, she has served as Resident Food Ethnographer for Google’s Workplace Services. She is a speaker at national food and education conferences, and is co-author of two picture book biographies, Sandor Katz and The Tiny Wild (2022) and award-winning Chef Roy Choi and the Street Food Remix (2017).

June Jo grew up transnationally between Korea, California and Texas, eating her mom’s alien kimchi. San Francisco is home.


100 Word Bio

I am a food ethnographer, studying how and why we eat for companies and organizations.

Foodlife is a portal to see the worlds we are making and making ourselves ready for (tell me what you eat, so I can see who you are becoming).

I’ve been Google’s resident food ethnographer since 2014. Previously, I was VP of Strategic Insights at The Hartman Group.

I am also a co-author of picture book biographies Sandor Katz and The Tiny Wild (2022)  and Chef Roy Choi and the Street Food Remix (2017).

San Francisco is home.